Frequently asked questions

Why do I need to login to access data?

A NIWA DataHub account is a free account that enables you to access data and data products (Data) from DataHub, including the option to purchase Data from us. Requiring logins helps us verify users identities and protect against unauthorised access, as well as improve the services we offer and make informed business decisions based on the information we collect from use of the platform. It also enables us to report on how the data is used as required under relevant funding obligations. We limit the personal information collected via your account to what is necessary for business purposes and only ever use such information in accordance with NIWA's Privacy Policy. 

Why am I asked about the purpose of my data use?

We license certain types of data based on how it is used, as well as sometimes the nature of the user. By charging a higher rate for commercial use and commercial users, we are able to provide data for non-commercial purposes either for free or on a limited cost-recovery basis. We collect the information provided to us about data use for [compliance purposes [e.g., to confirm the correct licensing terms and charges are applied, to check compliance with licence terms and, where relevant, to comply with reporting requirements under our funding agreements] and to improve the data provisioning services we offer]. We ensure that this information is kept confidential and not disclosed to any third party without the relevant user’s prior written consent or to the extent required to comply with law or relevant funding obligations.

Why am I asked about my country of origin?

User information helps us verify users identities and protect against unauthorised accessas well as improve the services we offer and make informed business decisions based on the information we collect from use of the platformIt also enables us to report on how the data is used as required, and some of those requirements are to identify domestic vs overseas useWe limit the personal information collected via your account to what is necessary for business purposes and only ever use such information in accordance with NIWA's Privacy Policy. 

Why does NIWA charge for some data?

As the costs of data collection, management and provisioning are not fully publicly funded, NIWA relies on commercial revenue to support our data services and to ensure that we can continue to operate as a successful going concern as required under our enabling legislation. This means that access to certain datasets is charged for to ensure we can continue to collect, maintain and provide that data and that NIWA’s scientific research and work is sustainableNIWA's general fee structure is based on account and licence, with a free tier for personal / non-commercial use, a reduced fee tier for public / non - commercial use and a full fee tier for business / commercial use. 

What are NIWA's principles for charging for data?

NIWA's fee structure applies a 'tiered' principle, a limited amount of data is made available at no cost to individuals for personal use, reduced fees are charged for public, non-commercial use and full fees apply for business, commercial use.

Is NIWA not a government-funded organisation?

NIWA is an independent Crown Research Institute and limited liability company. While owned by the Crown, currently less than 25% of NIWA’s revenue comes from government funding. NIWA relies on commercial revenue and contestable funding sources to maintain financial viability in accordance with our statutory requirements.

Why is access to some data limited?

NIWA caps some of the data available on DataHub to a certain amount and/or location over a period (e.g., a maximum of 30 datasets per region per year) or for a certain project to protect its commercial interests. Access to larger amounts of the data or access for multiple projects will be by negotiation, with the pricing and access terms dependent on factors such as the data use, how the data is supplied and nature of the user where relevant.